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Yoga for Absolute Beginners: Sukhasana and Dandasana

Beginner I
(191 Reviews)

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In this class, David shows you how to comfortably sit on the floor in two of yoga's more common seated positions, easy cross-legged (sukhasana) and staff pose (dandasana). He also helps you understand some of the basic yoga principles as you learn how to stretch your body effectively. This class is a part of a 'Yoga for Beginners' series. If you're a beginner who would like to learn more about yoga, check out our Yoga for Beginners page.

Looking for more of a challenge? Check out the 14-Day Intermediate Challenge here.


  • Blankets
  • Block
  • Bolster


  • Flexibility
  • Hips
  • Spine


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
March 23, 2018

I am new to yoga, this is my first session. What are the thing reguired , for example mat

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
March 23, 2018

Hi there.
We list the items you will need in the class, below the class video. The instructor typically includes what you need in the introduction. In this class, it's best to have one or two yoga blocks, a strap and a bunch of blankets. However, you can get away with a stack of blankets and a long neck tie or rope.

March 5, 2018

Hey, I'd like to thank you for your calming and facilitating tone in your instructions. This is the first time I'm trying doing yoga but I can see how beneficial it is for body and soul. Namaste :)

January 25, 2018

Hi David,
Your instructions are super easy to follow and at the end of session I find my self more calm. Thanks for that!

One thing I like to mention to you is, there is always feeling of contracted muscles underneath ribcage more towards spinal cord,
It feels like breathing is blocked when I try to focus on that area.


Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
March 5, 2018

Hi there.
The area you described is where your diaphragm is, among other things. I'm not sure what to suggest. What happens when you try to relax there?

December 13, 2017

Thank you! Before children and returning back to work, I used to have a regular yoga practice. I decided to complete this class as a refresher and found it extremely useful. I was able to make adjustments to basic poses which have been uncomfortable in the past due to tightness. His instructional style is excellent for anyone, but especially if you are just beginning or are not blessed with natural flexibility! Thank you, again.

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