Playlist: Mindfulness Meditation Practice

Today, we show you how to set up a regular mindfulness meditation practice with links to a series of our free streaming audio meditations.

Why Practice Mindfulness Meditation?

Mindfulness-based stress reduction has been an important part of many people's lives, whether it's used to help you manage the daily stressors in your busy life, or to decrease the symptoms from cancer treatment or PTSD. A regular meditation practice can improve perceived stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms, enhance quality of life, decrease sleep disturbance, improve brain function, reduce your fight-or-flight response and even slow down aging. Mindfulness exercises and techniques are easy to learn, are easily accessible and can be done by almost anyone.

What To Do?

We suggest that you do the meditations in a specific order below, but you don't necessarily have to follow it. You can also repeat any of the meditations as many times as you like. In fact, many meditators do the same meditation every day for years, since repetition often deepens your experience.

Schedule Your Practice

If you'd like to challenge yourself, do one of these meditations each day for the next week. Print out a calendar and cross the days off as you go. It's much more satisfying that way! And remember that spiritual growth can be really hard to move through, so don't avoid the meditations that feel uncomfortable. Often those are the ones that you need the most.

Suggested Mindfulness Meditation Practice:

1. Mindfulness Meditation: Introduction to Sitting (23:44)
2. Loving Kindness (Metta) for Yourself (14:53)
3. Mindfulness Meditation: Body and Breath (21:53)
4. Loving Kindness for Someone You Care About (18:11)
5. Mindfulness Meditation: Breathing, Part 1 (15:58)
6. Loving Kindness for An Acquaintance (22:01)
7. Mindfulness Meditation: Breathing, Part 2 (17:12)
8. Loving Kindness for Someone You Dislike (24:45)

Note: The above links take you to an album, so you will need to choose the track that you want to play.

May you be well.


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